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Retrouvaille is "The guardian of hope to the marriages who have lost it."

-Pope Benedict XVI

The Retrouvaille Program is for Married Couples

Struggling in their Relationship

Call Amy & Aaron at 574.276.2135

This program is for couples with marital problems that want marriage help. Those who are considering marriage separation and those who are already separated or divorced are encouraged to consider the Retrouvaille Program. There is always hope of reviving your relationship.

Some couples come to Retrouvaille during the initial signs of a marriage problem. Other couples are in a state of despair and hopelessness when they attend the program.

Many lawyers and judges send couples to Retrouvaille as a prerequisite to filing for a divorce or rendering final decisions. Many marriage counselors and family therapists send their clients to Retrouvaille as a prerequisite to counseling. These professionals know that the tools of communication in marriage taught in the program are often what couples need.

The Retrouvaille program is for husbands and wives and is not designed nor intended for couples in a co-habitating relationship.  Still have questions give us a call at (574) 276-2135.  You can also click here to email us for more information.


  • Only $400 per couple plus a goodwill donation.

  • Price includes lodging, meals, all instructional materials and six weeks of follow-up sessions.

  • 100% of donations go towards marriage & family saving programs. ​​

Registration fee is per couple, and is non-refundable, as it covers the initial deposit for the weekend. The registration fee does not cover the full cost of the program. We are a self-supporting, non-profit organization. On the weekend, you will have the opportunity to make a voluntary donation to cover your full program expenses. No one is ever denied the chance to heal their marriage due to financial challenges and assistance is available.

Please contact us if you need help or have questions - (517) 281-0478, or email

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